- DarkLight
1.39 [Jul 2024]
- DarkLight
Navigation licences overview
The navigation licence overview and its functions are currently not available.
You will now find an overview of your navigation licences in Administration.
To view the navigation licence overview, the SPEDIONline user needs the following user rights: Manage navigation licences.
- Click on Navigation licences overview (1) in the menu bar on the left.
- At the top left you can switch the view between different navigation providers, here using PTV as an example (2).
- Under Overview you will find the Licence types(3), according to which you can filter.
Here you can see how many active (Active licences), free (Free licences), soon to expire (Valid < 30 days) and expired licences (Expired) you currently have for each licence type.
Note: The active licences include active, free and expired licences. - Under Vehicle overview you will find all details on the individual vehicles.
- To filter the list according to different statuses, click on All(4) and select the desired status.
- Under Information(5) you will find more information about obtaining navigation licences.
Please note that with ALK(1) Truck- and Active Traffic Licences belong together and are displayed together accordingly.
There may be deviations in the total number of licences after licences have been moved from one vehicle to a new vehicle.
You can find more information on the navigation licence overview here.
Assign Expiry Date to document management
You can now set an Expiry Date for files (encrypted and unencrypted). At the end of the Expiry Date, the files are automatically deleted.
You can assign an Expiry Date to a new file via Document management -> +NEW -> Upload file.
For existing files, you can subsequently add an Expiry Date using the Edit(1) -> Expiry Date(2) button.
Phone books can now be sorted
Phone books can now be sorted as desired in the Vehicle Configuration.
In Vehicle Configuration -> Edit -> Phone book you can now move phone books using the up and down arrow keys, as well as grab and move them with the 6 dots.