  • 12 Mar 2024
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Article summary

Here you will find a complete overview of the tracks in the desired period.

  • Tracks are divided into numbered sections
  • The track travelled and the calculated route (if available) are displayed on the map
  • Information about the destination and points at which the route was recalculated can be found on the map

Display of the tracks

Blue track = travelled track
You can track the driver's route here.
Grey track = calculated route
The route that is transmitted by the navigation system and that the driver will travel to the destination.
Red track = no trip recorded
Automatic drive/stand detection does not record a trip even though the vehicle is moving. Check the settings in the SPEDIONline Administration!
Green or purple track = selected track
If you select a track or move the mouse over a track, points are displayed that move in the direction of travel.

Overview of functions

Select data source
Only displayed if multiple data sources are available.
Hide (or show) all tracks
All tracks are hidden (or shown) on the map and individual selection is activated (or deactivated).
Centres the map on the track.
Show activities
The activities that the driver has carried out in the selected track are displayed.
Show individual messages
The individual messages that the vehicle has sent for the selected track are displayed.
Show multigraph
The listed track sections are displayed in the print view.
Export as CSV
The listed track sections are exported as a file.
Select period
Centre map on selected track
If this setting is active, the map is always automatically centred on the currently selected track.
Column templates
Select a different column template or create a new template.

Select time period

Select exact date:

  1. Click on the Calendar icon (1).
  2. Select the desired period in the calendar.
  3. Click on Apply and close.
  4. Alternative: You can also adjust the individual days (3) using the arrows on the right and left or by clicking on the date.

Select predefined time period:

  1. Click on the Arrow icon (2).
  2. Select the desired time period.
Older tracks

Tracks that are older than 6 months can no longer be called up via SPEDIONline.
However, the data is still stored on SPEDION servers and can be reordered by contacting SPEDION Support.

Phone: +49 (0) 6024 50990 0

Show individual track sections on the map

  1. Click on the Eye icon. All lanes are hidden.
  2. Tick the box next to the desired track sections.

To show all** track sections again, click on the crossed-out eye icon.

Show activities of the driver

The Activities function gives you an overview of the activities that the driver has carried out on any track section.

  1. Select one or more desired track sections (1).
  2. Click on the Wrench icon (2).

Display individual messages of the vehicle

The Individual messages function gives you an overview of the messages sent by the vehicle on any track section.

  1. Select one or more desired track sections (1).
  2. Click on the Signal icon (2).

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