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    Article summary

    LED flashing codes

    What does the different flashing of the LEDs mean?

    Navigate LED

    Blinking every secondNormal mode, GNSS is working
    Permanently switched onGNSS signal is not received
    Blinking fast constantlyDevice firmware is being flashed
    OffGNSS is turned off because:
    - the device does not work or
    - is in sleep mode

    Status LED

    Blinking every secondNormal mode
    Blinking every two secondsSleep mode
    Blinking fast for a short timeModem activity
    OffDevice is not working or device is in boot mode

    TinyFour does not receive a GPS signal

    If the Navigate LED is permanently switched on, this means that no GPS signal is found.

    Check that you have installed the TinyFour with the correct side A facing upwards or forwards.
    Make sure that the TinyFour is not positioned underneath metal and as high up as possible.

    Further information on installing the TinyFour

    Was this article helpful?

    What's Next
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